
  1- Degree: Doctor Philosophy in applied sciences of surveying and Geomatics                engineering. Date: 1995 - Moscow – Russian Federation.

   2- Degree: MSc in science of surveying Engineering. Date: 1991- Tashkent –                   Uzbekistan.

   3- BSc in science of Surveying Engineering. Date: 1985- Baghdad, Iraq.

   4- Asst. Professor since August 2017.

   5- Supervisor of PhD & MSc students in field of geomatics engineering.

   6- Member of college’s syllabuses and study programs committee.

        Member of the department’s scientific committee.

        Member of the department's syllabus committee. 

        Lecturer of PhD course "advanced Geodesy" .

        Lecturer of MSc courses for the subjects “advanced surveying, and                               advanced geodesy”.

        Lecturer of BSc subjects: hydrographic surveying, adjustment theory, &                       theory of errors.